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Thinking Blogger Award

July 31, 2007

First I must thank Suburban life for thinking me worthy of the Thinking Blogger award.


The “Thinking Blogger Award” comes with the following rules:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think, tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all – blogs that really get you thinking!
2. The origin of the meme is at The Thinking Blogger. He is the one who started this.

It wasn’t easy making this list of five blogs because I fear the list will be subjective. That’s not a bad thing per se, because all awards are subjective to a certain extent. The advantage of this system however (where you tag five other people) is that as this goes forward, a wide variety of blogs get nominated. As each person who is tagged in turn chooses his five…you get thinking blogs in different fields. The important part is that you need to tag only those blogs that have got you to think.

I will nominate blogs in different categories. Not so much because I should but because I have a variety of interests myself and like to engage with different kinds of blogs. So here is my list, not in any order of preference….but in alphabetical order. (I have avoided tagging the three blogs that I nominated for the Intellectual Blogger award and those which already have this award.)

1. AE’s blog (Abu Eesa Niamatullah’s blog) is one I discovered recently. He writes on a wide variety of subjects and a lot about the Islamic world. I find his posts reflective, philosophical, religious and thoughtful. This guy is a deep thinker and very modest too. His is a thinking blog.

2. Amit Verma’s India uncut has won several awards and he is already a well known blogger. I almost did not nominate him for this reason, but then then I thought, well, it doesn’t matter how well-known he is. The main thing is that his blog deserves the award. He writes on current affairs mostly and his posts invariably make you think. A comprehensive blog on India. I love his writing style too. Clear and precise.

3. Lonnie’s Onemanbandwidth is an American professor’s blog. Its an academic blog and there are a lot of very thoughtful posts on teaching. At the same time he writes about China in a most comprehensive way.

4. Rajeev does not write many posts, but the ones he does write reveal his razor sharp mind. He has an amazing perspective on world politics…and I may disagree with him many a time, and that is precisely why I visit…to stimulate my brain cells. Anyone interested in politics would find his posts interesting.

5. Then there is Sureshg’s blog which is about Meditation photography and the best you will ever see in this genre. It’s not just his photos, but his feelings and thoughts on each that draws you in.

From Stephen Danko’s blog (he is the one tagged Suburban) I found out that there is an online test which can tell you what kind of a thinker you are.

Well, thats it then. Five blogs and all of these owners need to tag five other blogs which they think are worthy of this award.

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  1. Abu Eesa permalink
    August 4, 2007 12:51 am

    Dear Nita

    I hope that all is good with you.

    I must admit total suprise at your nomination, not least for these few reasons:

    1. It is no way near the quality of other focused blogs

    2. My site is a hobby and nothing else – it is something that I relax on when I am not working or researching etc. Hence, it would not be proper to give it (or myself) full “blogger” status.

    3. The amount of time I put in to this site is only an hour odd a week whereas there are thousands of excellent sites out there where the authors go to a lot of trouble everyday to keep it regularly updated and fresh. I am not one of them!

    4. Modest? Moi? Hahaha – Nita, you must have the wrong person. I am anything but modest as my students will only be too willing to tell you.

    5. Incidentally, you might have thought that I’ve been semi-thoughtful in recent times but that’s only because the football season here hasn’t started yet and the long summer days and short nights don’t allow me to doss as much as I’d like to. 😉

    6. Thank you for your interest. I have enjoyed looking over your website and it is nice to see that some of the best English content in the world is not to be found solely in the “English” countries.



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