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Abhishek likes fullblooded Ash

December 12, 2006

Know what? I love statistics but I wasn’t impressed with the survey on whether Abhishek should marry Aishwarya (Mumbai Mirror). But even as I was telling my daughter how useless such surveys were, I was reading it – like so many others. And I actually thought about it… like so many others.
abhishek_1_1.jpgI wondered why a good 32.5% of those surveyed thought that Abhishek was too good for Ash (Aish?). Sure, I too prefer Abhishek to Ash, but hey, she is a good catch, isn’t she? Beautiful, ash_1_1.jpgclever (she was a topper in school and the head girl as well) and an architect. She also loves her parents (lives with them in fact), goes to temples and is from a decent, well-to-do family. If affairs are the problem…well, he’s had them too. Only less publicised.
Wait. I think I know why Abhishek is considered a better catch. He is rich, and in fact from India’s first filmi family. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. She is a middle class girl. Who can act better? Ash or Abhishek? In my opinion they are about the same, terrible in some films and good in others.

And then there’s the male verses female thing. Rich men and pretty women do go together but only if the girl is ‘pure’ and ‘untouched’. Well, our sweet Ash isn’t. She’s a normal, full-blooded woman. I think she deserves him. And does he deserve her? Time will tell.

17th January: Well, this last Sunday evening these two got finally engaged. I feel happy for them. I always had a soft spot for Ash because she is one girl who has made it on her own merit, without any push from a filmi family. And well, Abhishek seems a decent sort of fellow…not the typical spoilt brat that many filmi kids are.

More about Aishwarya: What did Ash say to win the Miss World title?
More Bollywood: What Shilpa Shetty went through at the Big Brother show
Other related reading: Does the acting profession mean high stress?
Brad Pitt’s entourage broke the law when in India
Some quotes which show that celebrities are narcissistic but not as much as politicians!

50 Comments leave one →
  1. December 13, 2006 3:10 am

    Thanks! I know I am too good for her 😉

    It’s also the personality mismatch. The media’s portrayed Ash as somewhat arrogant and Abhishek as somewhat cool and quiet. So, I’m not surprised by the survey results.

    On the other hand, let them be. Why do we even bother? Should how they lead their lives matter to us? If it does, that’s where the problem begins, because that’s the real finding of the survey: that people can be deceived by popular media into certain perceptions of these people. Honestly, only their friends and they can judge their actions with any ounce of honesty.

  2. Meg permalink
    December 14, 2006 5:41 pm


    your articles interesting ,though i am one of the 32.5 % of people who dont want to see them, not because i think Abhishek is too good for Ash, but because simply she is too good for him. yes i am in a minority but really i dont want Ash getting married into a family of hypocrites like the i dont have nething against Abhishek but i do have a grudge against his father… who makes a big deal about Ash’s kiss in Dhoom, about it bieng immoral when he has done something worse – by having an affair!!!
    i guess the only consolation is that Amitabh is old so wont last long , *laughS*

  3. Sonia permalink
    January 10, 2007 6:53 pm

    Two words: Rani Mukherjee.

  4. Sum permalink
    January 10, 2007 7:12 pm

    i think Aishwarya is too good for Abhishek. Look at her personal
    achievements….shes been a Miss World….after she was alienated by the industry after her problems with the 3 khans….she still managed to survive on her own…..she has appeared on Oprah…which is a great achievement in itself….ive never seen anyone from bollwood being called over by oprah….not even big B…..and most of all there is this huge poster of her outside a Sydney mall in my suburb.. which i frequent…endorsing omega watches.Now that certainly brings a smile to my face. what has AB done???…just been born to big B….and his father with all his connections….just managed to give his sons career a lift…after 16 flops in a row.

  5. January 11, 2007 5:33 pm

    Tha Bachchans arent and will never be the first family of the hindi filmindustry. That are the Kapoors and still will be the Kapoors and after the Kapoors it is The Chopra Family so the Bachchans come somewhere on spot 5.

    2nd. Abhishek isnt too good for Aish and Aish isnt too bad for Abhi coz they match. Both cannot act superb, both have two words in their vocabulairy during interviews, that is no comment. So they are a pretty good match in my eyes.

  6. alexa2 permalink
    January 11, 2007 5:59 pm

    Let them be!!!
    I don´t think you, people would like others to deside about you, whom you should marry and whom not. Love and Death, both come uninvited!

  7. Angel permalink
    January 13, 2007 9:21 am

    First of all I would like to say that if both of them are totally and madly in love with each other, then I say “get married,have a wonderful life”

    About who is better than who??
    It’s obvious,Aish is definetly much better than Abhishek anyday and in everyway.
    She is a SELF MADE woman,from a middle class background to modelling to Miss World and now surviving in the industry and doing good after 2 failed relationships and 1 being with the much hyped about and hyper Salman Khan.She survived all that and made something off herself.

    As far as acting goes, I am not a big fan.Frankly, she cannot carry kool contemporary roles but she is great in traditional indian films or period films.She is still better than many in bollywood.

    She makes me proud as an americanindian to see her on tv commercials for loreal, being one of the top searches on yahoo, having billboards in toronto-canada, being invited on oprah n letterman,now how she carried herself,is a different story altogether,but atleast she was invited.

    Last but not the least She is way too Gorgeous for Abhishek.

    So According to me, Aish is superior to Abhishek in all of these above mentioned facts.He looks average,acts fine nothing that extraordinary.Without his “lastname” he is almost a nobody.

    If it’s a matter of true love then ofcourse none of this matters.But otherwise Aish deserves someone equally Selfmade, equally Handsome,equally international and equally talented as she is.

    And also I did hear somewhere that she might be marrying for the money. It’s funny cuz I am sure Ms Rai herself is very rich and she can have any mulitmillionair bachelor out there if she wanted.She,I believe is India’s most sought after bachelorette

  8. January 13, 2007 9:38 am

    Guess you are right. Ash is certainly superior to Abhishek who has depended on his last name to get him a break in films. However like you said, it’s love that finally counts. Whenever they are seen in public they seem to be very much in love.

  9. Nite Rules permalink
    January 13, 2007 7:28 pm

    I’d like to say that this is probably the least important of topics that she has written about. All other topics that I have had the fortune of reading so far have been subjects of importance. But then, once in a while, we must also be entertained with mindless gossip. So, I humbly thank Nitaji for writing this piece.
    I, like most people here, think the great Aishwarya Rai is much superior to abhishek buchan. the guy is average at best; a useless guy in reality. On the other hand, Ash is the Goddess of the country. Every man, able-bodied or otherwise, and many women will be thrilled to even touch Her feet with their heads. She deserves some guy that is equally as great. I don’t see any obvious candidate. So maybe that’s why she has settled for mediocrity like AB.
    My humble pranams to you again, Nitaji.

  10. January 14, 2007 5:16 pm

    Aish isnt superior to Abhi and neither is he to her cause both cannot act. Aish has never had a HIT on her own, It was always someone else in the film who did THE better job. She is never appreciated for her acting ( and that is a fact which nobody can deny) she is appreciated for her beauty and yes make-up makes her a stunning woman( i saw her without and i almost fainted)

    Abhishek is listening to much to papa dearest and that will bring him down someday. A father that hangs out with the most corrupted politicians of the country and calls the biggest thug of politics Mulayam his Baap( father) then you as a son are indeed truly lost. ( his father has lost it also, there’s no denying that)

    Just let them go to some other country and bore people over there, so that Bollywood doesnt need to take their acting anymore. ( that is a wish a lot of people are waiting for to come true)

  11. Rish permalink
    January 19, 2007 11:50 pm

    Fact is, we don’t know them so who are we to judge.

  12. jaya permalink
    February 16, 2007 9:33 am

    Dear Abhi

    Plz. get marryrani
    I am agree with dia 5

  13. priti jadhav permalink
    February 17, 2007 12:48 pm

    They are made for each other.
    All the best to both of them.

  14. rebecca permalink
    February 23, 2007 4:27 am

    Honestly y on earth would yu get into someone elses personal life. And y would yu judge two individuals against eath other knowing there going to get married. I mean thts just wrong yu should be writting encourging comments.

    I wish abi and ash a very happy married life:)

  15. Salman Khan permalink
    February 26, 2007 6:48 am

    Aish is a bad omen for Abhishek. Her bad luck will even ruein the career of Amitabh. Jaya is an idiot she desereted Rani wityh whom Abhishek had got hit movies just for good look Aish. How did Jaya forgot herself even she herself was a normal looking girl like Rani. Jaya you had taken a baised decision by opting for Aish.

    God will not forgive you for this. All Bachchan will loose their fame.They all will be punished by the almigthy.

    Amitabh in Sarkar movie you were like a man of Justice but for your idiot son you did not even thought for a second that you are taking somebody elses love(Salman’s love).

    Saache Aashiq ki Baduwa lagegi oon logonko

  16. February 26, 2007 8:16 am

    How can a person be a “bad omen” or “good omen” for anybody?Mostly in our society its women and children who are considered “bad omens” or “good omens”. When women get married into a family and if there is a death in the family or any other misfortune there are people who blame the woman. I find this absolutely shocking.
    If the Bachchans are going to decline it will be because of what they have done. If Abhishek is not successful it is because of himself, not because of any woman.
    Are men but just puppets in the hands of women and children? Are they not capable of making their own fortune? Or their own misfortune?
    And women are not there to “take”. Women are not things. They are people, with a heart and a soul. Just like men they have a right to choose and they have a right to change their mind. Also I doubt that Abhishek married Aish just for her looks. It is not an arranged marraige but a marraige which has come after dating and romance. No couple can date for such a long time unless there is chemistry between them.

  17. Rosie permalink
    March 16, 2007 5:31 pm

    its a load of bollocks this whole idea of abhi and aishwariya getting married in the 1st place, its not love, its about her being linked with one of the most famous families in bollywood

  18. sidh permalink
    March 26, 2007 3:07 pm

    abhi is cool & quiet persnality but aish is very frank & fashoonable.she is not suited to abhi because already more news we are known about his affair, all people are say she is not interested with that person but without her response no one can do all that things & one more thing that kiss in dhoom2 that are not suited for anyone who goes into buchan family.

  19. Phantom permalink
    March 29, 2007 3:48 pm

    Bloody hell…are we all really all that naive to think for a sec that Abhi and Ash are getting married out of pure innocent love…????? C’mon…give me a break. These are two celebrities….he from a very dynastic filmi family for whom appearences and public image is everythign….and for her too. This is a marriage of convenience…the bacchan boy with the princess of india. Lets admit it….Ash may not be the most sexy/beautiful chick for every indian male, but she certainly is for lots of them…and more importantly, she is the only indian female personality to have a global brand. She’s appeared on global adverts for watches (longines i think, omega as well), appeared on opera…..when she attended th Cannes Film festival a pl yrs ago she was the talk of the event….looked amazing in a yellow sari i must add…..and she’s also featured in the top 10 list at one of those E TV sexiest celebrities shows…..all in all, she’s got the biggest global and indian brand as a woman….miss world title….a few bollywood hits….all that adds up. So it is a very logic and commercial decison by AB to have Ash in his family. For the couple’s sake, i hope that theres some level of affection and love there

  20. March 30, 2007 8:14 am

    Guess I am a romantic coz I believe they are in love! Its the way they look at each other. You can make out. true, AB wanted Ash is his family but his son fell in love with her and she with him.
    Even if this was an arranged marraige (which I don’t think it was) they fell in love. In fact most people tend to believe that an arranged marraige is a situation where the two are strangers to each other. However modern arranged marraiges in cities, amongst educated, liberal people are not like that. The parents introduce the couple, and if the couple likes each other they meet a couple of times before deciding. In fact I know of even engagements breaking up, when a couple after dating for several months realise they are not meant for each other.
    Considering that I fell in love with my husband at first sight (in college) at the age of 18, I guess I believe in love. Also it is more likely that one falls in love with someone from one’s own social strata. Those incidents where they show love between the poor and rich is not very common.

  21. Ravjot permalink
    April 17, 2007 5:13 am

    i think ash and abhishek are a agreat couple
    they look good together
    salman khan you are really mean to say
    “God will not forgive you for this. All Bachchan will loose their fame.They all will be punished by the almigthy”
    i hope you 2 the best!!!
    and good luck in your acting career!!!

  22. Pearly permalink
    April 21, 2007 11:57 am

    hey,u know wht aish iz much more richer then u thing ok and she iz not a middle-class girl!! ok and i think she iz bether then abhiskek in acting a mean look 2 HIM AND LOOK @ her she iz much more bether……………….so BYE!!!!

  23. Shalini permalink
    April 25, 2007 3:23 pm

    They both really make a lovely couple together… though here are many ppl who are not happy with their marriage… but it anyways doesn’t matter … 🙂 Just have a look at them .. they look so much in love with each other.. just perfect for each other….
    and as far as ash’s previous link-ups are concerned… i m sure abhi had them too… but its not known outside to such extent… and now tht they both like each other who r we to comment on their relationship..they are grown-ups and very well know whats good n whats bad for them… let them be how they want to b…
    I wish them all the very best for their future…May God give them all the understanding, patience, love n His blessings!!!
    may God be with u always!!!

  24. Rinna permalink
    April 26, 2007 10:07 pm

    Are you kidding me? Ash has posed for AMerica’s Penthouse magazine. Why would Amitabh allow his son to marry her? She has posed in the nude. And they talk about Richard Gere kissing Shilpa’s cheek!! What a mockery!

    • Psp permalink
      June 12, 2024 3:30 pm

      stupid , she didn’t posed.. it is fake and edited

  25. Kishan permalink
    April 29, 2007 1:59 am

    I cannot imagine how people can have such low self esteem and how they can think of touching the feet of these ordinary people. What may I ask is the contribution of Aishwarya, Amitabh or Abhishek? What are their values, standards, or ethics? How much hypocrisy will Indians tolerate and how much of it they will gulp down gaping like complete morons?

    Is being a Ms World of such great significance? How so? What qualifications are required for that? Other than the willingness to shed clothes, make out with men, gyrate in lewd manner to the ugly choreography of a hut dweller with no grace, elegance or sophistication?

    Is being on a silly show like Oprah and making a further a$$ of herself even on that silly show such an achievement? What did you or me or the millions of others gain by this? It was she who gained more publicity orchestrated by her own employed publicists and it was she who got money for BAD acting.

    Is being linked with multiple men and using them an achievement?

    Just what?? And please do not come up with “she did Indian proud routine…” Cause India gained NOTHING from her or her likes. She gained. In fact by using her as a brand, MNCs just want to push their products on naive and ignorant people and that is what is happening.

    As to whether she is right for Abhishek….question is why is she married to an underachiever? Is it love? Can you see love in their roles – on or off screen? She married also for advancing her own career. Being unable to handle all controversies surrounding her and the Khans and Oberoi etc, what better opportunity than to cling to the idea of marrying into a family where both baap and beta have been smitten by her and who will be ready to undermine all her previous issues?

    AB will position her against Priyanka in Poitics after she ceases ot get films and all of them will appear in ads and make millions. What is in it for you , me or anyone? Nothing.

    People need to BOYCOTT products endorsed by these scrupulous people who add NOTHING to society.

    Ash is using Big B and Big B is using Ash; and both are using poor Abhi. That is sad.

    Only time will tell what will turn out of this saga.

  26. April 29, 2007 7:51 am

    I find it odd that people actually believe that Ash posed nude! ofcourse it is not true but generally in our country we tend to look down on women who go into the entertainment business, while men are not looked down. So we tend to go into a tirade aganst them. Firstly there is nothing wrong if a woman is a prostitute even, or if she poses nude, she is not harming anyone. It is her business.
    Its the blackmarketers, the criminals, the rapists who should be hated, not women who are in the business of entertainment.
    Calling actors as adding nothing to society is also odd. Entertainment is a thriving industry and in our country particularly where there is so much darkness and poverty, people throng to the cinemas for that little bit of light in their lives. The actors who manage to entertain are doing their jobs and I think Ash does hers fairly well. Otherwise she would not have succeeded. Getting to be on a television show is also an achievement. Becoming Miss world is an achievement. Everyone does whatever they can. Everyone cannot be an IT professional! Acting is a profession like any other and so is modeling etc. Its people who do nothing but eat off other people who are the parasites of society.
    As people in their personal lives, ofcourse we do not know if they have ethics or not, but how can we assume that they don’t? Just because a woman sheds her clothes she has no ethics? Thats blatant sexism.
    Its men who leer at women, men who rape, and those who steal and lie and cheat who have no ethics. Not women who dance and entertain! They are not harming society at all, they are adding to it by providing a service. They are working women. If there is anyone who can object to their professions, its their near and dear ones, no one else has the right.
    However many people are jealous of the wealth and fame the actors get, and also our society feels that women should not show their bodies. Well, as I said whether to show one’s body or not is a personal decision, and we don’t need moral police to tell women how to dress. Its none of anybody’s business to sit in judgement over what strange women wear! Ash is a stranger to all of us, we don’t know her at all. If abhishek has no problem with the way she dresses or her profession, why should anyone else!

  27. Kishan permalink
    April 29, 2007 11:33 pm

    They are doing their job, are they? Can any of them act? NO!!

    They are doing their job, are they? To ruin the fabric of society by showing vulgarity and dancing to lewd steps and then demanding crores of rupees for that nonsense?

    Millions of poor may need entertainment to survive but you dont have to pay entertainers from the pockets of those millions. You dont feel there is something wrong with the model when we think of women posing as prostitutes or bar dancers and luring men as impacting society. It is not about being sexist here, it is a fact that men throng to see this because it is shown and you pardon the rascals who make money for just this. How better they are from glorified prostitutes? And you say it is none of our business. No other profession gets as much money as a profession that shows semi nude men and women, men and women making out and mating in public and you say people are jealos. Yeah right!

    People the world over have a problem because what they do impacts all of us. These nimwits then marry up and get into politics like netas and netis and people like you will cast your vote forgeting they are all high school drop outs. If they want to do their job, they can. They can learn acting and they can do roles with a social message

  28. April 30, 2007 7:25 am

    Yeah right! Poor men, they are “lured” by these women!
    And yeah right, only those who do roles with social messages are good people the rest are not!
    Well, I cannot agree with your views Kishan but you are entitled to have them. I really believe that everyone has a right to his own views.
    It might interest you to know that Aishwarya came first in class throughout her school years, got into a very good college and completed her education. She is an intelligent person and I am sure Abhishek is too.
    As for politicians, the actors who become politicians are far better than the politicians who have got there through their criminal links.
    In any case, I do not think that all those who are educated are necessarily intelligent and those who are school drop outs are necessarily stupid.
    Thats my view Kishan. I hope you can accept that others can a different view than yourself.
    Also an important fact you should know. An actor may “demand” crores of rupees but he or she will only get it if the producer feels that the movie will sell. Actors live from film to film and their rates drop and climb according to market demand. Its popularity which determines their salary. Most actors have a short shelf life.

  29. Shalini permalink
    May 8, 2007 9:31 am

    I totally agree with nitaji…
    I dont know what exactly is ur prob kishan.. the topic over here is somethng else… n u have brought in an all together different topic!!!
    u cant assume anythng and just perceive anythng and everthng abt a person.. just bcoz he or she is in the entertainment industry… not atleast abt ASH..she is indeed a very beautiful person.. never looks vulgar in any type of dress…
    and as far as politics is concerned… its their wish wheteher they wud want to join politics or not… we always blame the so called netas n netis.. that they r not so educated or they dont do anythng.. but wat do we do… will u do anythng for india… once u complete ur education??? i m not pin pointing at any one person… its just that we dont thnk of joining politics once we get educated n get into good jobs… we thnk only abt ourselves.. so we do not have any right to blame those ppl over there…
    and entertainment industry… its really a BIG industry in India!!!
    ppl in that are in a profession… they bring fame to our country in their own way…
    Different ppl perceive different things differently!!!
    as for me i think… we have no right to interfere in other ppl’s matter even though they are celebrities….we have no right to interfere so much as to start teling thm wat to do n wat not to everythng they do…they have their life… let them be in it.. we are their fans..sometimes like sometimes dislike their work…… can just give our good wishes…

  30. Phantom permalink
    May 9, 2007 5:06 am

    I agree that it is the men who objectify women by patronising the prostitutes, dance bars and raunchy magazines/movies etc. However I also believe that it is one thing for a woman to get into these sex-related industries out of a majboori, as millions of prostitutes and dance girls do especially in under-developed and developing countries. It is another thing for a woman who is already earning a good lifestyle, to engage in a nude shoot etc purely to gain more popularity, or to generate some hype about her. This is the fine line between circumstancial majboori and values/ethics/morals. Would you ladies be ok if tomorrow your well educated and talented daughter decides to do a raunchy photo shoot for a sleazy mens mag???? I think not. So let us not say that an already successful actress engaging in a raunchy photo-shoot is NOT a case of values eing undermined. Yes, she is doing because she knows that millions of honry men will love to buy the magazine, but she also has a choice not to do it. The poor village girl whp is pushed into prostitution as a single solitary way to earn money for her family, does not have the true ability to exercise her choice.

    Firstly, I don’t think that Ash posed nude for any magazine. I’ve always had the impression that she’s been quite specific about how much skin she shows in her movies. Plus she knows that she is not a sex symbol in the genre of a Malaika Sherawat or Priyanka Chopra etc, but more a classic sex symbol, and that image would be tainted by such raunchy publicity.

    From talking to varios people about the Abhi-Ash thing, I’ve gathered that many do feel that this is, as many things in bollywood, a move designed to generate hype, popularity and boost the ratingsof the bacchan family. It is as much a branding and strateguc exercise as it is of genuine love or affection between the couple. At that level, the players do not have the opportunity to think of pure emotions, they HAVE to think of strategic ways of boosting their popularity. I agree with one of the above posts that down the track, big B may well push Abhi and/or Ash into politics. End of the day, men with money want more money…..but they also start craving power.

  31. Phantom permalink
    May 9, 2007 5:08 am

    By the way Nita….very interesting new look to your blog. I’ve come visiting after a bit of a gap, and was surprised. Looks nice.

  32. May 9, 2007 12:20 pm

    Phantom, re your statement:

    ‘It is another thing for a woman who is already earning a good lifestyle, to engage in a nude shoot etc purely to gain more popularity, or to generate some hype about her. Would you ladies be ok if tomorrow your well educated and talented daughter decides to do a raunchy photo shoot for a sleazy mens mag???’

    Really, I don’t think there is a connection. We have no right to interfere in the decisions of others. If some stranger wants to show her skin, it is not right for me to sit and moralise. Yes, the stranger was a criminal and harming society, I can moralise because he or she is harming others.
    The problme is that in our society we have too many men sitting and passing judgement on strange women who do not do any harm and are simply earnign a living. And it is mostly on women that this judgement is passed. As long as there are men who want prostitues there will be prostitutes. In fact it is those prostitutes who are forced into the profession who should be rescued, not those who go into it voluntarily!
    Where does one draw the line? One man may not like a womna to wear a revealing derss, another not show her legs…its ridiculous! Let them police their own women, not strangers!
    Frankly, moral policing is abhorrant to me. Makes my blood boil.
    Tomorrow I might not want my daughter to marry an Afghani, not go to Timbuctoo, not become a pilot, not shed her clothes… thats my business, no one else’s. The same way I will not judge another woman who does all these things. I will respect her simply because I respect good and moral human beings. And to me definition of morality is not how many clothes you wear, but whether you hurt others or not.

  33. Rinna permalink
    May 11, 2007 10:29 pm

    As for you not believing that Ash posed nude, you can look her pictures up on the Penthouse website. They are there for the world to see.

  34. May 11, 2007 10:45 pm

    Really Rinna, I think you should give a link to the photo of Penthouse mag. I checked, there was no sign of Aish there. The photo should have her name too ofcourse, because we don’t want look alikes.
    And I would also suggest to you to give this information and link to any major newspaper. They will just grab at the news. This sort of sensational stuff is what newspapers and mags need nowadays. If you feel that Indian newspapers won’t publish it you could try some foreign mag – just the news that Aish posed nude with the proof.

  35. rooming permalink
    May 20, 2007 12:41 pm

    i think aish and abjishek are very sixy abhishek your very liky guy i really like aish she is my best i dont like rani

  36. abi permalink
    May 21, 2007 7:19 am

    should we consider that aishwarya rai is a south indian and abhishek is north indian.but i think it doesnt matter coz south indians r d most powerful womans who can impress anyone in ds,abhi is lucky to get aish!

  37. Bollywood permalink
    November 1, 2007 8:10 am

    okay i know im kind of really late on replying but i honestly think that.. ask is really gorgeous and abhi is not so gorgeous.. but its that quality that makes them work so well together.. they are an awesome couple.espite all the negative media hype.

  38. John permalink
    November 9, 2007 12:37 am

    I have to agree with Kishan due to the fact that nothing is admirable about the couples. They are seeking for one and only one thing, which is money. I believe that woman holds very great role in our lives. Woman like Queen Rania, Mother Theresa, Mothers of the World, Teachers, Doctors, etc should always be looked upon as role models. Celebrities are there for fame and fortune, and often leading lives indecently. But we who are highly educated, should be able to see the bigger picture. Aish is a lucky girl to be born beautiful, and she has misused her beauty and charm for all the wrong reasons. Exposing and making out in movies, is definitely not a good choice to lead a decent life or even to be a role model to other young girls out there. It sends the wrong message… I always believe in “what you do today, impacts anything and everything around you”. I for one, don’t want my daughters to follow her footsteps.

  39. November 29, 2007 6:53 pm

    i think ash and abhishek are a agreat couple
    they look good together
    salman khan you are really mean to say
    “God will not forgive you for this. All Bachchan will loose their fame.They all will be punished by the almigthy”
    i hope you 2 the best!!!
    and good luck in your acting career!!!

  40. Hatice permalink
    December 15, 2007 5:15 pm


  41. vivek mittal permalink
    May 7, 2008 12:57 pm


    This blog tries to cover all topics. Small, trivial as well as big. – Nita.

  42. Rishi permalink
    May 15, 2008 8:41 am

    I just adore Aish she is a kind and gentle woman. She is real and sweet. I met his once. Congrats on their marriage. Yes she is beautiful and seemingly misunderstood. Some refer to her as the most beautiful woman but she is not.

  43. nidhi permalink
    June 10, 2008 8:21 pm

    do they anywhere look to be in love? i dont think so. they look like an ordinary married couple……… where is the love marriage?

  44. sonu permalink
    June 11, 2008 6:26 pm

    Phantom, re your statement:

    ‘It is another thing for a woman who is already earning a good lifestyle, to engage in a nude shoot etc purely to gain more popularity, or to generate some hype about her. Would you ladies be ok if tomorrow your well educated and talented daughter decides to do a raunchy photo shoot for a sleazy mens mag???’

    I agree with Nita’s statement:
    Really, I don’t think there is a connection. We have no right to interfere in the decisions of others. If some stranger wants to show her skin, it is not right for me to sit and moralise. Yes, the stranger was a criminal and harming society, I can moralise because he or she is harming others.
    The problme is that in our society we have too many men sitting and passing judgement on strange women who do not do any harm and are simply earnign a living. And it is mostly on women that this judgement is passed. As long as there are men who want prostitutes there will be prostitutes. In fact it is those prostitutes who are forced into the profession who should be rescued, not those who go into it voluntarily!
    Where does one draw the line? One man may not like a womna to wear a revealing derss, another not show her legs…its ridiculous! Let them police their own women, not strangers!
    Frankly, moral policing is abhorrant to me. Makes my blood boil.
    Tomorrow I might not want my daughter to marry an Afghani, not go to Timbuctoo, not become a pilot, not shed her clothes… thats my business, no one else’s. The same way I will not judge another woman who does all these things. I will respect her simply because I respect good and moral human beings. And to me definition of morality is not how many clothes you wear, but whether you hurt others or not.

  45. Ravi permalink
    June 11, 2008 8:36 pm

    Apparently Im one year late to comment on this post 🙂 I think Ash is too good for abhishek.He is qualified as born rich, son of big B and what else he has to his credit? Whereas Ash is the face of modern indian woman who can make a white chik envy of her(ash) blue eyes. She went on to rub shoulders with famous personalities like Oprah, Letterman,steve martin …some to list. She gets hollywood offers on regular basis. Im not surprised to see the poll bend towards Jr.B after all people who participitated in voting are also indians(barbarians) who ranks rich and famous over smart and accomplished. Abhi has to stick to her all through his life but not the other way. Ash could have chosen some famous sport/business personality than just a film actor cause ash is a phenomenon not just a woman or an actress.

    Ravi, I too admire Ash as compared to Abhishek because she is a self-made woman. Unfortunately people in our country feel that women should be in purdah and that is why they don’t like her, well at least some. – Nita.

  46. Ravi permalink
    June 11, 2008 8:43 pm


    If ash is a girl-next-door then we have no right to talk about her life. But people like her can influence public like nobody cares if you say some good thing on TV whereas if Ash/Sania/kushboo/sushmita says something there will be tremendous response and we had already witnessed some protests against their view. I would not support our attitude by saying something like this – India still has to grow up…… but its everywhere. Recently there was a huge cry over the statements made by sharon stone on earthquake in china. People are people nomatter where you go they arent different… 🙂

  47. Raj permalink
    June 26, 2008 6:55 am

    He made a wrong choice….
    Not to blame abhishek because he is like ‘katputli’ in hands of his father.
    And now Aishwarya will rule that family.

    Raj, I would advise you to read my comment policy before posting any further comments as you are new to this blog. I do not publish any unsubstantiated allegations about anyone, even a film star. Thanks. – Nita.

  48. July 6, 2008 10:56 am

    Ash make a mistake. Because Bachchans family is a famous family and ash is only 1 famous. And two famous or genius man could not make any thing for their ego.

  49. dr.pradip permalink
    February 28, 2009 2:44 pm

    you are my carbon copy,i like u,my dream is doing just a small cameo in your film

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