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The Devaluation of Cooking

June 16, 2008

Restaurant peopleThe trend nowadays is to cook less at home. It’s a world-wide phenomena that hasn’t spared India…well not urban India at least. Sure we know better. We know that cooking at home is healthier than eating out but we still eat out. We do it even though we know that the chemicals we consume from outside food can overwhelm our bodies. We do it even though we are aware that many restaurants and eateries recycle food and if they don’t, they probably use use stale ingredients. And we like to believe that the hotels we eat in have sanitary kitchens and clean cooks.

All this when we know the value of home cooked food. We know that food needs to be prepared meticulously and that the process begins from choosing the right (healthy) ingredients, preparing and washing them carefully and ensuring that the food is not over-cooked.

But I don’t want to go on about the importance of cooking at home because we all know it. I want to delve into some of the reasons for this major shift to eating out in a modern industrialised society. The most obvious reasons given are (not in order of importance):-

1. The break-up of the joint family
2. Difficulty in getting skilled help in the kitchen
3. Women going out to work

The real reasons
However, I reject these as the real causes. I see the real reason as the devaluation of any activity that doesn’t make money. The devaluation of cooking at home is a natural effect of a materialistic society. Unless money can be made from it, cooking is not something which can be worn as a badge of honour.

That is why I applaud all those women who go out of the house and do the kind of work that gets them not just money, but status and respect. If a thali (Indian meal) with 20 different items can be purchased for just Rs 100/- what is the value of someone who slaves in the kitchen to produce just one simple meal of 2-3 dishes – a sabji (vegetables), dal (lentils) and roti (flat bread)?

Nita cookingNothing!! Because people are incapable of calculating the monetary value of a meal cooked in hygienic conditions…with pure ingredients…and with love. Don’t ever undervalue the latter. It’s when you love that dish you are making that you really put all of yourself into it and produce something good. A simple Indian vegetarian meal of just 2-3 dishes will be sneered at it if is looked at in monetary terms…

And we are paying a heavy price for this disdain. In terms of our health.

How many people respect the job of cooking?
There are those who say that they respect those who cook at home but it’s worth checking out their claim. How often have you heard someone say to their sit-at-home spouse or family member:

What do you understand about these (regarding some worldly discussion) things…you just sit at home and cook!
You are just a housewife
You know nothing about the real world
What do you know what it is like earning money

Don’t you worry about things (worldly matters), I’ll take care of it

These remarks, although condescending, are still milder than some others. All too often (particularly during an argument) things can get nasty, with male relatives talking in glowing terms of their female colleagues or simply taunting their home-bound spouse. The imbalance of power (nowadays measured in terms of money) results in one person having greater power than the other and this can result in bullying.

However there are some people who will insist they adore and respect women who do house-bound jobs like cooking.

The “respect” given to a woman who cooks at home is often a tool of control
There is a real danger if a woman becomes content with a type of “respect” (which at times can border on adulation) that is given to her because she takes care of the house. This “respect” stays only if she conforms to the concept of “ideal” womanhood and comes with pre-conditions. She can be expected to conform to certain standards of behavior, whether in dress or by simply centering her housework and cooking around the male members (and kids) of the family. She can also be expected to perform house-keeping jobs in a way that is desired by the spouse. “Service” to the male members (and children) of the household becomes of paramount importance and her own “self” is relegated to the background (often with her full compliance). She knows that if she has to hang on to the “respect” of family members she has to continue her “service” to the family, a service without pay or often without any status or respect from society.

People might feel what’s the big deal, why should a woman want status anyway…isn’t the satisfaction of seeing a happy healthy family enough? Ofcourse it isn’t. A woman is also a human being. And the kind of selfless service that she provides her family with can lead to a gradual eroding of her self-confidence even if she willingly plays the game. In some cases it can even lead to mental illness. The male members of the family are often fooled by a woman’s apparent willingness to give of herself to the house, not realising what it can do to her in the long-term. A person who gets his self-worth validated every single day with a pay-packet, perks, respect of society and family often cannot comprehend what can happen to a human being without it.

What can also happen in this scenario that not all men can handle the kind of power they get over another human being…and it can lead to abuse.

Women should go out and do more “worthy” jobs!
That’s why think that women should get out of the house and do ‘worthy’ jobs, just like their male counterparts. Every human being has a right to choose what to do, to gain real respect from people. If the only way to achieve this is through economic power, so be it. If we have become a materialistic society today, so be it. It is difficult for anyone to bully or ill-treat someone who has contact with the outside world and someone with economic power.

“Working” women are more equal than stay at home workers
Unfortunately, women who go out to work do not just gain equality with men, they also gain an edge over their sisters who slave at home. That is indeed sad. For a decade or so now the term “superwomen” has been bandied about…the term being coined to give the impression that a woman who manages both a career and a home is not doing a disservice to her home. I feel this term is anti-women because it has been coined to show that a woman who works outside the home is only worthy if she pays attention to her home…as long as a hot meal awaits her family, as long as there is no dust on the side-table. If she manages this delicate balance she is called a superwoman. If she does almost double the job that a housewife (or a man) does then she is a superwoman.

But is this possible? There are just so many hours in a day and there is just this much that any human being can do. I know, because I’ve been there. I’ve worked 12-14 hours a day outside the home and I know how many things I was unable to do because of it. Sure, one has household help, but that takes care of the superficial things only. In the eyes of the world you may be a superwoman because somehow you are managing to attend that parent teachers meet, cook on week-ends, host parties and even find time to read that bed-time story to your kid! But only in the eyes of the world. At heart every woman knows that there are many things she just cannot do. Maybe some women are superpeople, but most of us are human.

The superhuman/woman myth has been generated and perpetuated by women’s magazines, a myth necessary in our time. A myth designed to provide women who go out to work with a shield incase they are attacked for going outside and working. So, if this myth has helped women, if it has encouraged women to go out there and do their stuff I think it’s a useful myth…if it has alleviated some of the guilt, it’s a wonderful myth, but at no time have I believed that it is not a myth.

We have men don’t we…our other halves?
I’ve written about the reasons why people want to go out there and work and this might seems as if I feel that modern society and a healthy family cannot go together. Not at all.

Men need to chip in and do their stuff at home. And in the kitchen. Unfortunately men who do so often get the raw end of the stick as society frowns upon men who spend time in the kitchen and by society I don’t mean just other men, but also women. That is the reason why so many men are closet cooks, in India at least.

Why is cooking considered a woman’s job?
There are those who believe that cooking is a “woman’s” job and these people need to find out why they think so. I think it could be because they think that cooking is lighter work, and some might even think that it requires less intelligence and effort…and as these people might also think that a woman is inferior…well cooking becomes a woman’s domain.

I don’t even want to go into child-rearing here as I think that child rearing is a tough job and when combined with other household duties, a very tough job indeed. But in India at least motherhood gets genuine respect from people and that is why I don’t want to talk about that here.

Cooking doesn’t garner the same respect. It’s considered a woman’s job, a boring job, a light job, a tedious job, a non-challenging job. On the other hand if a woman enters a predominantly “male” profession like say rickshaw driving, or becomes a police constable or a pilot or a manager, she is considered smart and intelligent.

Which profession requires more intellect and more effort is not something I can discuss here as I think it is up to the individual how far he/she takes his effort and how deeply he goes into it. I have seen some really incompetent professors and engineers, drivers and chefs, managers and cashiers…mothers and cooks too…and well, the list goes on. It’s not the job that should be looked down upon…not at all. If at all one can be critical of a person’s competence.

I feel quite sure that as long as society values only paid work, it’s doomed to self-destruct…health-wise. If we live longer, it will be because of medicines and doctors, not because of our natural health.

Kitchen outdoor

(Photographs are copyrighted to me and the second photo is of me taken by my husband yesterday)

Related Reading on Health: Some excellent 100-year old diets!
Tendency to buy ready-made “health” products rather than eat natural home-cooked food
Pizza boxes and plastic bottles unsafe
Dangers of genetically modified foods
What’s in your biscuit?
Chemicals you eat everyday
The dangers of overcooking and fast food
Why Indians have health problems – some reasons
Unhealthy instant noodles
Poor food habits affect our brain

Related Reading on Women: Widowed and divorced women have a hard time in India
Wife battering happens for trivial reasons
The bad effects of having too few women in society

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32 Comments leave one →
  1. June 16, 2008 10:43 am

    At home
    * cooking is boring if done only for self.
    * more enjoyable if done for 4 to 6 members.
    * husband assisting wife in cooking is more enjoyable and improves their relationship.
    * for a change husband cooking without involving wife on a holiday is really an entertainment.
    * regarding kitchen help self help is the best help.
    * mother, children relationship reaches its peak only when mother cooks at home.
    * above all cooking improves time management, event management, resource management skills.

  2. June 16, 2008 10:46 am

    Phew, quite a long post! yes, u are right in saying that in today’s world home cooking is taking the back burner, but if we imbibe the values of the home made food in the children since the younger age they will grow up knowing the values and benefints if the same.

    I dont believe in “superwoman”. This term was coined to pacify us so that we would do both the jobs – outside and inside the house. After a while, playing role of superwoman takes its toll and then the burnout! leading to depression, anger and other impotent feelings pent up to give way to agression.

    tough job there! 🙂

    But you know what, I would never give up my job just because sometimes going gets tough. I love the independency and “my time”. But at the same time i teasure my family. so sometimes, i have to become the so-called “superwoman”! But i think , at the end of the day it is worth it. 🙂

    BTW, there are some typos in your post, repeatitive words! just check it out!

    Thanks Sakhi. I found the typos! – Nita.

  3. June 16, 2008 1:54 pm

    we have a cook…but still my mom does a lot of the cooking…and well we have had a cook only since about 2 years back,before it used to be either my mom or my grand mom cooking… sister and i try to pitch…lol the other day i made shahi paneer 🙂

    as for eating out,we usually eat out on sunday nights alone…but of late,we stopped that too,its so boring to go and order something and wait…

  4. June 16, 2008 1:56 pm

    and about equality…discrimination of any sort comes down from the previous gen…so the best way is to start out fresh,i mean the distribution of work…

  5. June 16, 2008 1:58 pm

    I help ma wife in kitchen, in washing the dishes,coz thats the only thing I can do. As far as my cooking skills goes its restricted to fixing burgers, sandwiches, pizzas, omletes…. and cooking rice. 😀
    But recently I tried ma luck at fried Chicken and it tasted.. well not bad. 🙂
    Our family (just the two of us) we share cooking n washing the dishes.
    I guess many husbands are just lazy to help their wives out. I am not trying to be a nice person here, but I feel that I can spent more time with her in the kitchen coz we both work and get only our weekends together!.

    Trust me, all the guys out there, we can never match the woman in the Kitchen. She is doing a tough job !!!!!
    And its sad that we never bothered to thank our mom for all the years she cooked for us.

  6. June 16, 2008 2:04 pm

    Cooking is the search for God..! 😀
    I love cooking and I always cook whenever I have the chance! hehe… It’s sad that ppl aren’t cooking for themselves nowadays, but thats probably because of their lifestyle… DINK’s (Double Income, No Kids) are generally never at home so no question of cooking…

  7. Ravi permalink
    June 16, 2008 3:15 pm

    I never heard of “superwoman”, I m not sure how much it (superwoman) would contribute to family bonding but definitely would make all the moms end up in old-age homes when they grow old.

    First thing that comes into my mind whenever I thought of my mom is the food prepared by her. I have been living away from my parents for 7 years and I miss her food more than her 🙂 A $130 dinner is no match to the biryani and lamb curry prepared by her on a leisure sunday afternoon.

  8. June 16, 2008 4:01 pm

    I cook a lot and love it!! I wouldn’t want to be in a relationship where I don’t get to do any cooking. I think more men should learn how to cook and do it. When mothers pass on their cooking skills to their kids, they should include both boys and girls. I personally cannot see myself being with a woman who doesn’t know how to cook, or is even unwilling to try and learn. Home cooked food is the best, more so when both partners participate in that activity – there’s no shame in men cooking food.

    If you think of all the restaurants and cafeterias and college canteens, it’s primarily men who do the cooking – it’s still pretty rare in India for a woman to work as a cook in restaurants/cafeterias. So I’m not sure where men get this idea that cooking is only for women when there are examples of men cooking staring them in the face right from when they go to college at 18 and eat in their hostel canteen.

    The increased trend of eating out is bound to result in higher rates of obesity and other related chronic illnesses.

  9. wishtobeanon permalink
    June 16, 2008 7:00 pm

    Loved your analytical post and enjoyed reading the comments too. Being a homemaker (or a cook at home) is a career in itself and it is probably the most demanding and underpaid one.

  10. June 16, 2008 7:57 pm

    Old Sailor, that was nice! Thanks. 🙂
    Sakhi, thanks for going through this long post! That’s true what you say, the term superwoman was a trick to make women try and do both jobs! And probably feel guilty about both!
    Vishesh, shahi paneer! to me at least that sounds cool.
    Xylene, I agree with you about the laziness part! And its touching to hear that you remembered your mom!
    Nikhil, I guess one can always make a healthy sandwich! Takes no time at all. But you cook?? Somehow that is a surprise! 🙂
    Ravi, I guess no one can beat one’s mother’s cooking! My mom could dish up something delicious in a few minutes! I don’t know how she managed to do it…I have to try harder.
    Amit, I think this part of one’s life (cooking, food habits) is very important in a relationship. If you are interested in cooking you will certainly be at a loss if your partner is not and you might have to cook all the time! 🙂 And while it’s true about the cooks in cafes etc, they do it for money. That’s respected.
    wishtobeanon, glad you liked the post. I agree that cooking can be very demanding specially if one has to do other household chores too. Just choosing the right menu requires careful planning. And nowadays, there are so many exotic ingredients available that one wants to try them all!

  11. June 16, 2008 7:58 pm

    good post Nita!
    intrestingly, cooking is getting to a huge topic in the West 🙂
    more and more people try to cook themselves even if they never did. Plenty of cooking shows on TV, best selling cooking books…After all that ready-made food the westrn people come back to the self-cooking.
    To the gender of cooking: I know several men who love cooking 🙂 it is getting trendy…

    btw: the photo of you in the kitchen is a hit, great idea to use this technique!

    Thanks Axinia! I guess in the west they are coming back full circle and we in India are moving away from cooking, in the metros basically. Luckily we still get maids, I wonder what will happen if that disappears! By the way, I have tagged you for a meme. I was not sure whether you will do it earlier, but now I thought I would give it a shot! – Nita.

  12. June 16, 2008 9:49 pm

    One of the things i learned from casually watching my Mom prepare food in the 50s is that home cooked food needs time-management skills in order to do effectively, economically and what seems to us on-lookers as casually and effortlessly. What seems to be missing from the modern cook’s arsenal is the knowledge of how to prepare food from scratch, a skill relying on knowledge of the nature of food-stuffs, rather than relying on the canned and, boxed and chopped ready-made foods available. It hardly is demanding to set to soak the pulses that we use, then cook it later, but most modern ‘superwomen’ don’t seem to be able to manage it. Given that we have, in the West, so many mechanized cooking aids, one might think that cooking would present little challenge, yet it does, and the mystique that grows up around the act is perpetuated by the cooking shows that demonstrate how to make ‘easy’ meals in a few steps. I have never had household help, and during the raising of my son also had a demanding professional job. Household tasks, including cooking, were ways I’d use to decompress from outside work, and i never made the distinction that my outside job gave me more value than my household tasks – both necessary and valuable. I did raise my son to be able to perform any domestic chore and job that a female might do. He now shares household work and child-raising work with his wife, without rancour nor whining, and thus they have an equitable life – a good model for any children they might have, and allowing for self-determination of both husband and wife, without calling into question whose labours are more important or socially more meaningful. They are both keen cooks, and all meals at their home provide huge pleasure, as they seem to enjoy preparing food together and love is an ingredient they use. They are onto something? G

  13. June 16, 2008 9:52 pm

    Love this post.. Few thoughts…
    Cooking a woman’s job? I am curious why in family homes this is the accepted stereotype when many world famous cooks and cooks at hotels are men??!!! Those same men won’t pick up a spoon in their own home unless it is to eat!!
    Superwoman syndrome….
    The thing I don’t like about this- and this is coming from an American woman- is that where does this leave time for family time and building relationships? This is lacking when women want to be ‘super’….(In my opinion)…
    Women being devalued as homemakers- I think this is slowly changing world wide. I am lucky to have a husband who values me being at home cooking wholesome meals.
    Lastly- stay at home dads??
    A piece came on American TV several weeks ago- there are website support groups for stay at home dads in US (Whose wives make more money then them! and they are happy in this role!) which encouraged me to do a search about this for India.. the movement is there in big cities…. Yeah for these families breaking the rules (Though I understand it doesn’t suit everyone..)
    Thanks for putting your time and effort in this post!

  14. June 16, 2008 10:29 pm

    I think when both husband and wife are working and there are no fixed hours, then both of them are too tired to cook at home. That is when such scenarios of eating out emerge.
    But, stil, I do agree that its a job which a husband and wife should equally share.

  15. June 17, 2008 2:13 am

    Yeah, i think all the comments here agree with the idea of equality at home, which is what i think too!!! 🙂
    * Cooking its a very creative and joyful activity and at the end u can enjoy of lovely food made by yourself!
    * The housekeeping (which is less gratifying i think) its a work to share, of course, not just woman’s work!!!
    * Its true, in the west best cooks are men, there are also many courses…
    Its trendy really like Axinia says, by the way, i think all men i know, cook, more or less good, but they all cook!!!

    * I think There are no jobs for woman or man,
    no things that one gender can do an the other don’t,
    men are not superior than woman and viceversa,
    and any race its not superior than another,
    we are all equal, we are just persons.

    *I enjoyed a lot with this post!!! 🙂

  16. June 17, 2008 3:34 am

    Nita, thanks for tagging me – but I think you know me very well!
    When I read the meme frist, I thought good that Nita did not tag me 🙂 But since you still did it, I would see if there is still something I can answer …
    Btw, I am thinking of creating a tagging meme myself, then I will tag you back for sure! 🙂

  17. June 17, 2008 8:56 am

    Great post, Nita! I think the “superwoman” tag is hurting the “superwomen”. Many women want to take up more things both within the house and without. In the long run, it does more harm than good to the “superwomen”. I hope women give up cooking if they work outside the home, unless they can get their men to share the work of cooking, ofcourse. And no one should force women to do the job of child-bearing or child-rearing either. Men cannot perform the job of child-bearing (they are lousy at child-rearing), so having children is the right of women alone and not a duty. And like any other right, it is upto the woman concerned to choose to exercise that right or not.

    Cooking can be fun. I can cook a few dishes 🙂 but I have to eat all of what I cook myself 😐 Even the cat does not think too highly of my culinary skills 😦 😀

  18. June 17, 2008 1:05 pm

    suburbanlife (G) thanks! what a wonderful family you have! And I agree that to manage to make good meals in a jiffy requires a lot of organisation and advance planning. People don’t realise how tough cooking decent meals on a daily basis actually is! Not to mention the love that goes into it!

    Jennifer, thanks. cooking at home I think is what men consider a woman’s job as you rightly said chefs don’t cook at home! I think what men think is that perhaps the house as a whole is a woman’s domain, rather than just the cooking. In India this is a very well entrenched belief.
    Where building relationship is concerned, I think both men and women have that responsbility although in India it is considered a woman’s responsibility if relationships sour, even between two brothers or between man and his parents. It is indeed sad that women are blamed for this. Ultimately we are all responsible for our own relationships I think and both men and women need to make time to develop relationships and sustain them. About stay-at-home dads, this phenomena is very rare in India!

    Francina, thanks! I too know men who dabble in cooking off and on but to cook occasionally is very different from actually cooking! If you know someone who actually takes part of the responsibility for cooking, then well, that’s very rare in India. Men are at the top in the field of cooking all over the world and I think it’s partly due to the fact that being a chef means working long and odd hours. I know a couple where the man is a chef in a 5 star hotel. He works at night at times till 3 in the morning.

    Raj, thanks. The superwoman tag is a misnomer I think. No one should force, that I agree, but it b ecomes difficult when the woman forces herself!! And I wonder how well you would cook if it was your bread and butter! 🙂

  19. June 17, 2008 1:35 pm

    yeah! i meant with this, that they cook as much as their girlfriends! not just occasionally!
    For example, my boyfriend prepare lunch every day! (because he arrives earlier at home, so he can and that is not rear at all here), i make dinner …we share all the house works at 50%. All of them! And he cooks very well!!!!
    Thanxs Nita!!!!

  20. June 17, 2008 3:08 pm

    I love cooking, and having people appreciate the flavors and the style is a great feeling. Unfortunately, I can’t cook dal-chawal, and my meals are always sensory experiences for the consumers… good or bad!

  21. wishtobeanon permalink
    June 17, 2008 6:20 pm

    Hi Nita, I was going a bit over the top when I wrote that cooking or housework is the most demanding job. I don’t think it is, but it is under-valued though.

  22. maleesha permalink
    June 19, 2008 8:24 am

    Good topic. I work outside the house, then I have to come home and cook. It is very tiring. However, I would not do well if I just had to stay at home for the reasons you describe. Often my husband will attempt to cook but then I try his food and I am suddenly reminded why *I* cook. 🙂 However these things change only with time. Hopefully my daughter will see even more equality than I do.

  23. June 19, 2008 2:42 pm

    1. Even in today’s so called ‘equal’ world there is almost no workplace where men and women are equal.
    2. There is no dearth of cooks available in urban India – women, even those who manage their homes and do not go out to work can find that their time is better spent doing other things.
    3. More men than ever before, in India and abroad, chip in to the rearing of their child and the management of households where both parents work. Things are getting better.
    4. Some people still cook for the joy of cooking, not to gain respect. Equally some people (including me) go out to work a full day, come home and cook a nutritious meal for their families 5 days a week. Going out to eat on a weekend is a relatively new formula of greater availability, lower costs, greater competition and social mingling.

  24. June 19, 2008 3:17 pm

    Francina, Rdoc, wishtobeanon, thanks.
    Maleesha, I hope so too, but India has some way to go. 🙂

    About your point 1 – I agree.
    About points 2 and 3 – well, that applies to a small percentage, perhaps 5 percent of the Indian population, maybe a little more, but maybe even less. You will find that while concluding my post I have been careful to mention people like female police constables, female rickshaw drivers etc. Also I don’t agree that a person leaving the cooking to a maid is doing a “better” thing from the point of view of health of the family, and that is the point of the article. I meant that it’s the healthy decision to choose to cook for ourselves but cooking has become devalued and now considered less important…so it can be left to maids and to hotel cooks. I think it’s a rare maid who can cook (in India at least) as well as the employer herself and is as clean and conscientious.I am not judging anyone here and I hope you understand that… I do not blame any woman or any man, working or not working outside the home, who chooses not to cook…for the simple reason because they have realised that there are “better” things to be done with their time…that is the message of the article. That people have devalued a wonderful activity like cooking, an activity that is essential too, as it affects our health.
    About point 4 – I don’t agree with that. If a person is going out and working and still coming home and cooking, then it’s possible that she gets her need for status etc. satisfied somewhere else. I don’t agree that women are some sort of different types from men that they don’t require to do a job which gives them status in society. Women are like men, they are human, they want respect in the work they do and status too. I have explained what can happen to the mind of a women (a housewife) if she willingly does housework and cooking for years together. Well, I at least think that it affects her self-confidence levels, but if you feel it doesn’t, I guess it’s a different viewpoint. 🙂 I know you didn’t say that directly but it’s the implication when you say that cooking is fun for some people…but as I said I am not talking of working women who cook…I just hope I have clarified my point!

  25. Harshad permalink
    June 20, 2008 9:22 am

    My interesting observations:
    The interest in cooking is growing in bachelors. Many of my friends, who stay away from home, with other friends cook food at their places.
    That includes both, working men and women.

    I didn’t try to find out the reasons yet.

  26. June 21, 2008 8:05 am

    Nice post!
    I was a stay at home mom, and now I recently got back to work full time, and yet I come home and cook a simple meal. Some days its tiring and then I let go, but for the most days, I find 30 minutes more than enough time if we plan ahead.

    I don’t think of myself as a superwoman thought the generation these days do, and am actually not too old, just married early comparatively! It bothers me to an extent on how laid back and lassez faire the attitude is. It is not about the money at all, it is about the interest.
    I could go on, but yea, you made your points well..

  27. June 22, 2008 2:30 pm

    The only thing I could cook well is the Instant Noodles! Face it Nita, Women are much better at cooking than men. They are also much better at bringing up children. Men are good at other activities – Like going to office, shouting at their subordinates, doing politics at work etc. So, they only do what they are good at!

    Jokes apart, I think its high time I learnt to cook. You just cannot eat all the time at hotels. But what hurts me with the newly wed couples is the attitude that cooking at homes at the weekends is a Sin! Long term implications in terms of health and food habits are going to overweigh the short term benefits of $. Afterall, ones life doesnt end at 40!

    Destination Infinity.

    I think if couples realised that cooking together can be very romantic and increase togetherness they will change their minds! And the benefits will not just be in terms of health but a happier marriage! – Nita.

  28. Jayalakshmi permalink
    June 24, 2008 12:04 am

    Great post as ususal. It is a fad to eat out now a days, but with the kind of chemicals and additives taht are used indiscriminately, a rethinking is warranted .

    I know of many cases of mysterious illness , stomach , kidney problems among the family and friends circle. Is it because they eat out often?. May be there are no proven culprits, but I would like to be on the safe side.

    Especially in our country where corruption and greed is rampant in the food industry. No health inspectors, no sanitary certifications. So better to cook and eat at home, simple food most of the time. So that we can save on the medical bills and spare our bodies of unnecssary illness.

    Looks like a lot of youngsters are health conscious and are practical too. A good trend. I am also grateful for rare people like you , who do so much service by bringing out the facts.

    Good job.

    god bless you

    Thanks. I agree that eating the kind of stuff available in hotels is slow death! – Nita.

  29. June 26, 2008 9:29 pm

    🙂 good job.

    Thanks Roop. 🙂 – Nita


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